Thursday, February 25, 2010

A lesson from Mr. Smiley

Being happy and being sad are big difference.
People would always tell you to be happy.

But how?

Let Mr Smiley teach you =]

Mr Smiley would tell you that, being happy and being sad is all about how do you see it.

for eg, if your eyes sees this way >> =[ <<< it is a sad face ...
however, without changing the "mouth of Mr Smiley", but how the "eyes" see it,
tada >>>> [= <<<< you get a happy face!!

so remember, being happy or sad is not about the situation. it all depend if you are able to look at the bright side, if you are able to see things differently.

You live life, happy also one day, sad also one day.
so why be saD?

Dedicated to everyone reading my blog, and at the same time, feeling sad...
Cause im damn happy as of 25/02/10 10.20pm, thursday, GTM +8 =DDDD

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