Sunday, February 21, 2010


I will never break your heart.
I will never make you cry.
I will never leave you alone,
when the skies are dark.

I will promise you bliss.
I will promise you the moon and the stars
I will promise you anything
even it meant my everything.

but how true is my never,
can it be really foreveR?

How much does my promise worth?
can i really gurantee i wont break it?

If so, why do i still say these?
why would i wanna cheat you from the very begining?

so instead,
i would say.

i will not promise you anything,
i will never say never.
i would not be able to give you forever,
that's cause i dont want to cheat you ever.

i know truth hurts,
but lies are worst.
i know the beauty of words
but words are deceiving.

i will try to show you what i meant by loving you,
instead of saying it.
i will prove my heart,
instead of making empty promise that might help capture your heart.


English: fail
Rhyme: fail
Feel : fail
Content :fail

Comment: try harder next time.

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