Sunday, March 21, 2010


i hate history, though i find them interesting.
i hate mystery, though u find them amusing.

i hate the past, as it impede movement towards the future.

and i hate myself.
for not being able to be better,
den a memory that belongs to the past..

i prayed for the best,
without taking a rest.
but fate took a sharp turn
and made me miss my turn.

is he better, i asked myself
or do i just suck, i wondered aloud

why do i sound like a victim?
why do i sound so weak?
why do i blame everything else,
without taking the blame myself?

i surged forward,
with all my energy.
hoping to enter a future with you and me.

but time have passed.
things have changed.
however, my failure to beat memory
is proven once again.


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