Monday, February 21, 2011

officially missing you.

im officially missing you

i miss the 68kg me
i miss the fitness that qualify me as a lifeguard
i miss the days where we can chat all night long
i miss secondary and poly school years
i miss those fun we had when we get together.
i miss meeting up every weekends without any hiccups
i miss gaming with the same few despite doing almost the same thing every time
i miss activities after work, which made me look forward of going back
i miss doing all those stupid things when we were younger and dont care about consequences
i miss all those freedom
i miss playing as a team
i miss being close and going for supper every now and then
i miss rushing to not be late and looking forward to meet up as soon as possible
i miss the raindrops on my face, and yet still smiling
i miss missing you every other second

im officially missing you

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

JJ Lin 林俊傑 - 當你

someone good is willing to remake this awesome song..
coz i really think the original singer not very good...